& Conferences

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Conference Speakers

Symposium helps conference speakers plan and manage talk abstracts, CFP submissions, bios, photos, and speaking schedule.
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Track talks
Track all of your talks, each with one or more versions and each version with a full revision history.
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Talk version control
Look at which of each talk you submitted to each conference, and how many times each talk has been accepted and rejected.
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Track conferences
Track which conferences have accepted or rejected your talk submissions.
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Find conferences
Find which conferences you're interested in applying to speak at; favorite them, track them, and get reminders when their CFPs open and close.
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Store and version multiple biographies for sending in with your talk submissions.
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Store multiple revisions of your bio photos, ready to grab snd upload with your talk submissions.
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Conference Organizers

Symposium helps conference organizers receive submissions by allowing speakers to submit to any conference powered by a CFP platform that's compatible with Symposium.

Our Speakers

Emily Karisch profile picture
Emily Karisch
Kai Sassnowski profile picture
Kai Sassnowski
Christoph Rumpel profile picture
Christoph Rumpel
James Seconde profile picture
James Seconde


DevDay 2024
November 6, 2024
Laravel Live Denmark
Aug 22 2024 - Aug 23 2024
RustConf 2024
Sep 10 2024 - Sep 13 2024