
Rijeka University Campus
URL for CFP page:

The SF society 3. zmaj from Rijeka, Croatia and its annual convention Rikon is the host of 2020 Eurocon. We invite you to submit your lectures, presentations, workshops, games and panels for consideration to be included into the official program of the Futuricon – Eurocon 2020 convention. UPUTEMolimo vas da ispunite prijavnicu sa svim traženim podacima. Prilikom ispunjavanja koristite dijakritičke znakove (č,ć,š..), te Vas molimo da rečenice budu potpune i smislene.Molimo Vas da naslovite Vaš program na hrvatskom jeziku, te da upišete opis od maksimalno 700 znakova (s razmacima) koji će stajati na webu i u programskoj knjižici. Organizatori zadržavaju pravo kraćenja ili preformuliranja ovog opisa.Obavezno priložite osobnu fotografiju koja će biti prikazana uz opis vaše stavke programa.Svaka učionica opremljena je računalom i projektorom, te su dostupni i zvučnici. Sve ostalo možete zatražiti pri dnu prijavnice, u Notes to organizers.Sve materijale potrebne za održavanje radionice morate nabaviti sami. Ako želite da Vam Rikon refundira troškove, možete uzeti račune na R1 Udruge 3. zmaj, u vrijednosti do maksimalno 150 kn.INSTRUCTIONSPlease fill out the application with all the required information and use full, complete sentences. The description of your programming item should not exceed 700 characters (spaces included). Keep in mind it will be used for both the Futuricon's web page and in the programme book. The programming coordinators keep the right to shorten or alter your description.Add a personal photo when filling out speaker details that will be used alongside your program description.Every classroom is equipped with a computer and a projector. Speakers are also available. All other equipment should be requested via the Notes to organizers application field.Any materials necessary for workshops need to be acquired by the workshop organizers. Futuricon can provide refunds for materials of up to 150 kn/20 euros in value - but a R1 receipt to the name of 3.zmaj NGO is required.

Fri Oct 2, 2020 to Fri Oct 2, 2020
Nov 2, 2019 to Mar 1, 2020
Feb 3, 2020