WTF is Cloud Native

London, England, United Kingdom
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THIS IS A HYBRID EVENT! You are welcome to speak in person (if you feel comfortable and safe to do so) or present your talk remotely. Last November we launched our WTF is Cloud Native publication. Since then we’ve published 55 blogs, recorded 10 videos, run 16 WTFinars and organised 1 big multi-track virtual conference (this one!).  Over and over we asked WTF is Cloud Native and many related WTFs.‍Now, almost a year and 3,000 newsletter subscribers later, we are ready to share some answers. How? Hopefully a bit online and a bit in person with our WTF is Cloud Native Hybrid Conference on Thursday 4th November. Because we strongly believe that a proper Cloud Native transformation cannot happen without the right strategies and cultural changes, we won’t be talking just about Kubernetes. You can choose between three tracks: People, Processes and Technology.Still not sure what we’d like to hear from you?Here’s some topic examples:PEOPLEWhy is psychological safety important to complete a successful Cloud Native Transformation?How do diverse teams help you become Cloud Native?How can we decrease cognitive load across Cloud Native teams?Is the 2 pizza team still valid?Help! Everyone's leaving. How do we retain our people?Is Cloud Native taking our jobs?How do we nurture autonomous teams?PROCESSESWhat's changing in Agile and how does this affect the Cloud Ecosystem?Why is Scrum bad for a Cloud Native Team? Or is it?How can we use Conway's Law to restructure our processes?How do we create domain boundaries across an organisation?Why do our processes need to be automated?How do we ensure our processes are unbiased?"Success doesn't happen overnight", and neither does a Cloud Native transformation. So how do we prioritise and prepare for the shift?TECHWhy do companies understand Kubernetes but get no value from Cloud Native?Why is GitOps important now but wasn't as important before?What is the new Cloud Native technical debt we need to look out for?Is Serverless the new Cloud Native?How does security need to adapt to become Cloud Native?How to setup CI/CD that will scale as your Cloud Native architecture grows?Can a lift-and-shift be Cloud Native, or are Microservices the only way?IMPORTANT: Don't forget to check our Code of Conduct! 

Thu Nov 4, 2021 to Thu Nov 4, 2021
Jul 22, 2021 to Aug 22, 2021
Jul 23, 2021