Global Azure 2020 : Bangalore

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The Global Azure is a one-day event dedicated to Microsoft Azure held on the 25th April 2020.All communities and user groups across the globe will come together once again in the sixth Global Azure Bootcamp! Join us and be part of the thousands of people who get to learn about Azure and join together under the social hashtag #GlobalAzure!Code of Conduct attendees, speakers, sponsors, and volunteers are required to adhere to the above code of conduct. Organizers will enforce this code throughout the event. We expect cooperation from all participants to help ensure a safe environment for everybody. We are looking for talks targeted at an audience with varying degrees of expertise levels (beginner, intermediate, advanced) and help them improve their Azure Skills.What makes a good submission? Title - Be as specific as possible on what feature of Azure you are willing to talk about. Titles such as "Intro to automation with Azure" are too broad. A better title would be "Intro to ARM templates and Azure CLI to automate infra creation". Description - In the first paragraph, introduce the topic and why it is important for the audience in a couple of sentences. This is your elevator pitch.Now write a 3-7 sentence story arc describing the talk. Tell us what topics you will touch upon. Is there a demo? Finish with who is the target audience. How much expertise on Azure is needed? What prerequisites are needed to get the best out of this presentation and what are the takeaways?Bio - Add as much information as possible to your bio. Tell us why you are the right person to talk about the topic.Notes to Organizer - Tell us if you require assistance owing to your special (and differently-abled) needs. Any topic related to Azure is a fair game. We recommend but not restrict you to the below topics.IT Pro, DevOpsAzure Security Containers and cloud-native Tech on AzureData, Analytics, AI, IoTWeb and Mobile DevelopmentOur Azure community in Bangalore is very welcoming and will make you feel completely at home. We actively welcome and encourage new and first-time speakers. This doesn't mean that we ignore submissions from the veterans who have been there, done that. Instead, it means that we will prefer giving a chance to a new speaker when it's a close call.You are free to submit a max of 3 talks and a talk can have up to 2 speakers. The time slot for a talk is 45 minutes.

Sat Apr 25, 2020 to Sat Apr 25, 2020
Feb 3, 2020 to Mar 15, 2020
Feb 3, 2020