NDC Workshops 2021

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If you have a workshop relevant to the software developer community, we want to hear from you! NDC Workshops is a platform dedicated to independent workshops.Online NDC Workshops offers speakers ultimate flexibility as all workshops are online, allowing speakers to conduct their workshop from the comfort and convenience of their home office. As the online forum is perhaps the most convenient and efficient way to attend a workshop, it makes it possible to appeal to a broader set of attendees who might otherwise not be able to attend an in-person workshop.  Why NDC?With over 20 years of experience offering in-person workshops and events, NDC is one of the most trusted brands in the software developer community. NDC Workshops will promote and market your workshop throughout the NDC community and beyond by leveraging its social media, and actively marketing towards key demographics.NDC is synonymous with quality content and is a destination for learning and inspiration. We invite you to be a part of the NDC Community and submit your Call for Papers today! This Call for Papers is open for all speakers who would like to run an online workshop through NDCWorkshops.com.Workshops are not a part of any NDC event.Please specify the following:Your per attendee compensation requirements. NDC will mark this figure up by 100%. For example, a 200 USD cost price becomes a 400 USD ticket.The length of your workshop.The specific date you would like to run your workshop. The start time and end time of your workshop, specifying your GMT offset. In the fall and spring, take daylight savings changes into account.NotesA minimum number of attendees may not be required to run your workshop. By submitting a workshop, you agree to run it even if only a single attendee signs up.We list workshops from Australia in AUD, workshops in Norway in NOK, and all other workshops in USD. Use tags! A well tagged workshop is easier to market.Our default platform is Cisco Webex. We will set up your workshop meeting link a day or two prior to your workshop, which will be sent to you and the attendees.

Fri Jan 1, 2021 to Fri Jan 1, 2021
Jan 1, 2021 to Dec 31, 2021
Oct 1, 2020