James Titcumb

Driffield, UK

James is a consultant, trainer and developer at Roave. He is a prolific contributor to various open source projects and is a Zend Certified Engineer. He also founded the UK based PHP Hampshire user group and PHP South Coast conference.

Contact James Titcumb


Living the Best Life on a Legacy Project

60-minute seminar talk at intermediate level

Minimum Viable PHPipeline

50-minute seminar talk at intermediate level


Bio (James Titcumb)

James is a consultant, trainer and developer at Roave. He is a prolific contributor to various open source projects and is a Zend Certified Engineer. He also founded the UK based PHP Hampshire user group and PHP South Coast conference.


Full list of my talks (past and future), including links to Joind.in ratings where available are at: https://www.jamestitcumb.com/talks