Stephan Hochdörfer

Mannheim, Germany

Contact Stephan Hochdörfer


Enhancing your customers' search experience with Gally

45-minute seminar talk at beginner level

How good are my tests?

45-minute seminar talk at intermediate level

Simplifying Sylius Containerization with DDEV

45-minute seminar talk at beginner level

The road to more resilience

45-minute seminar talk at beginner level

The Road to Nomad as an Operating System

45-minute seminar talk at beginner level


Bio (Stephan Hochdörfer)

Stephan Hochdörfer is the Head of IT Business Operations at bitExpert AG, a company that specializes in pro-code and low-code software development. In his role, he oversees the software development processes, technical operations, sales, and strategic planning.